This year was our year for Christmas in California with my west coast family. And, like always, it was a wonderful holiday with some of my favorite people. Jackie recently got a job at Pebble Beach golf resort so the family headed up to the Monterey Peninsula for the holiday. Vacation started with an awesome dinner followed by some much needed sleep. The next morning, I woke up to this view:
18th Green
And then I took a run along the coast and had this view:
It was hard to tell what I did more of - running or stopping to take photos
Before we headed into Carmel and tasted some pretty amazing cheeses at a local cheeseshop that gave out unlimited free samples. Have you ever had coconut flavored cheese? It's like a pina colada but better.

Cheese please!
The rest of Christmas Eve was spent eating tamales and having a family game night - nights like these are some of my favorites.
Christmas morning dawned and I started the day with a perfect run.

Pebble Beach Cypress Tree
And then I was totally spoiled by my family. I can't wait to figure out where I'm going to display my new Spode Blue Room plates and my new camera puts my old 5 megapixel camera to shame. The new camera even has a *sparkle* setting.
We had a fantastic turkey dinner (yes, I normally do the vegetarian thing, but I love Christmas turkey far too much to give it up) before it was game night and then we tried to take some family photos. Lauver Family Photos over the years:

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2007
The boys played golf on the Pebble Beach course on Monday - my hubby shot an 82, which is 10 over par and not bad for someone who can count on two hands how many time he's played golf in the past decade. He also shot a hole in one on Christmas Day on the 9 hole course. While he was playing golf, I was swimming here:

My definition of awesome = outdoor pool next to the Pacific.
Bonus that on the side near the restaurant, I could smell crab cakes every time I took a breath.
The 3000 meters FLEW by. I also kept hitting my left hand on the lane line in an attempt to stay in the sunny part of the lane (I have the bruises to prove it, haha).
Golf shots:

Good form!
Finishing up the round
It was one of the best family Christmases I've ever had, so thank you Ted, Lori, Allie, Jackie and Steph! I miss you guys already!
Looks like you had a great time! Don't show Paula your new camera. She'll be so jealous of the sparkle setting she might steal it!
Hahaha, I totally told her on FB that the camera setting is meant for her! Miss you Calli!
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