
28 February 2012

Swim Lane Promotion... But Will It Stick?

It's no secret that I'm not a great swimmer. I'm relatively consistent with my times, with my last four Ironman swim times all being within 2 minutes of each other and all but one of my half Ironman swim times last year being 35 minutes and change. I want to be better than that this year. But how?

Yesterday morning while plowing through my breakfast bagel, I read a blogpost on swimming by Elizabeth Waterstraat and she talks about how challenging herself with swimming, putting herself in a faster lane, forcing herself to meet more demanding set intervals, was key to her making improvements over the years. Reading this post got me all jazzed about my Tuesday AM swim - I was going to promote myself up a lane whether I liked it or not! I've been on the fence for awhile about doing this - I feel like I am between lanes right now. I'm a PITA in my original lane and I'm risking being a PITA in a new, faster lane. Tuesdays are usually a pretty safe day to take such a risk because there aren't typically any lung-busting sets and hopefully that would save me from being lapped n a 50. Anyway, I had second thoughts when I pulled into the parking lot. "Maybe this isn't your week. Maybe you should stay safe and think about a lane promotion, but don't actually act on it until next week." I was hopscotching the fence all the way to the edge of the pool. And I saw my normal lane had twice as many people as the lane I was considering moving into. And the sets didn't look too bad (alas, I didn't look very closely, the last set was 10x100 IM: I-freaking-M).

Long story short. I moved up a lane. I survived. And I'm going to give it another go on Thursday (when there usually are lung-busting sets). Oh, and my butterfly is as unpretty as a caterpillar. Bleck.

27 February 2012

Food Culture: Perhaps a Bit Broken?

I have a BA in French and an MA in International Peace and Conflict Resolution. This qualifies me as an expert in... absolutely nothing when it comes to athletics and nutrition. So, please take the following with a grain of salt; it is simply my humble opinion.

Let's talk food. We all like food, right (especially of the chocolate chip variety!!)? But do we all like real food? Not that processed, disgusting stuff that seems to pass as food with ever-alarming frequency here in America, but REAL FOOD. Did you know that the chicken thighs and breasts at the chicken shack in Burkina Faso are about 1/2 the size of what you'd find here in the US? I attribute this to the fact that the Burkinabe aren't shooting up their chickens with growth hormones.

My simple observations have shown that we like food that is fast, cheap, and easy (salty and high in calories are an added bonus). Our kitchens are growing dusty because they sit unused while we order dinner from the drive-thru or grab a quick lunch from Wendy's. Recently a website touting a fast and easy solution to getting dinner on your table ( - order your heart attack (errrrr, dinner) online and pick it up on your way home). I'd consider looking at the website (because we could all use a little more time) if the ads showed foods that were even remotely appealing, but the "dinners" they are advertising look *disgusting.* The packaged foods are in takeout containers, complete with little ketchup, mustard, and soy sauce packets. It's just my opinion, but that hardly looks appetizing enough to make me want to part with my hard earned money - why not spend the money (and a little extra time) at the grocery store instead?

Yes, I was that girl post-college who ate grape nuts and toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (no pots and pans to clean up afterwards). Then I met Mr. Sweetie who liked to have actual dinner food for dinner and 7.5 years later I have changed my ways. I know I don't have kids or any major commitments outside of work and triathlon training so I have the luxury of time when it comes to cooking a meal every night. But most nights I don't get home from work until 7pm, with an evening workout staring me down, and Mr. Sweetie and I still manage to cook a healthy meal 99% of the time. I then usually bring the leftovers in to work for lunch the next day. Healthy food doesn't need to be time-consuming. There are many healthy dishes out there that can be put together faster than it takes to drive to McDonalds, go through the drive-thru, and return home.

OK, rant is almost over. One last thing - our food culture is broken. IT IS BROKEN. What has happened to the family dinner? What has happened to sitting down and eating a meal at the dinner table instead of in front of the TV? What has happened to cooking meals together and sharing stories of your day? Are Mr. Sweetie and I the only people who do that anymore? We have one television in our house and it's in our basement. I can't tell you the last time I turned it on. We eat dinner once a week in front of the tv - our Friday night pizza/movie ritual. All other nights we are at the dinner table, eating a proper meal. This past weekend I had my friend Cat over for an evening - we cooked a fantastic meal and topped it off with homemade cupcakes (OK, so the cupcakes were not the healthiest, but we gave most of them away to friends and neighbors). The point is - this was a fantastic Saturday night because of the healthy food we put together and the fun we had doing it. It was the perfect opportunity to catch up with each other. The dishes that we made were from the most recent issue of Food and Wine, a magazine that typically features indulgent meals but had several recipes on the lighter, healthier side this month. I highly recommend the following, as they are not only yummy and healthy, but weeknight-friendly too:

And I now leave you with a photo that really has nothing to do with nutrition, unless you count dumpster diving in the garbage disposal as a primary means of getting your daily meals:

These are my cats. Sigh.

24 February 2012

Random Friday Facts

- I am always worried that I will accidentally drink one of Mr. Sweetie's "good" bottles of wine on a random night with my girlfriends. I think I need to put labels on the bottles stating either "Have At It" or "Do Not Touch."

- I ate an untoasted bagel as an appetizer this morning while I waited for my main breakfast bagel to toast.

- Lately Hoover has been making a mad dash for the great outdoors whenever I open the front door. Is life really that bad in our household? He wouldn't last 5 minutes outside - last time he escaped he ended up hiding in the bushes until we rescued him.

- I don't like to share my food. But I have no problem taking food off of other people's plates.

- Ketchup is gross.

- I can't stand cantaloupe and melon but I really like watermelon.

- The bike commute home didn't happen today - flat tire, womp womp. Bike is now sadly sitting in the parking garage at work.

- I've been staying up past my bedtime way too often lately.

- One of my proudest moments: chasing down a guy who snatched my purse, tackling him, and getting my purse back.

- I've left the dog out of his crate all week and NOTHING was destroyed. My puppy is all grown up and responsible now!

23 February 2012

Bike Commuting - GetSetGO!

So my first bike commute of 2012 happened today. It's February and the temperatures were supposed to hit the high 60s - who could resist two wheels in open air with weather like that?!? I didn't even need my Gore Windstopper jacket on the AM ride in, it was that nice outside. This was my first commute to our office since we moved from L'Enfant Plaza to a new building a little north of Union Station and it involves a little more dodging and weaving of traffic and potholes, but overall it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I did manage to get lost in the 1/2 mile between the Mall and Union Station and found myself on an overpass over the train tracks headed to the wrong part of town. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow's commute will be a little less directionally-challenging. I had company on the commute home with my co-worker/friend/fellow-triathlete Janine. She's bike commuted a bunch of times to the new office (and she is smart and has lights on her bike, something I need to get on PRONTO) so I stuck myself to her back wheel as we headed back over the river to the motherland.

It was so nice not to deal with Metro at all today. While I had nurtured hopes that my commute time would be substantially shorter by bike compared to Metro, the vast number of traffic lights between Union Station and the 14th Street Bridge put the kibosh on that one real fast. Both commutes are comparable (but the one by bike is far more reliable and overall more pleasant). If this warm weather sticks around (because, let's face it, I am a fair-weather bike commuter), I'll be on my bike to and from work alot more often.

22 February 2012

Procrastination - the Thief of Time

I am *horrible* when it comes to letting procrastination get the best of me. Horrible.
Current score: Procrastination - 1,948,495,395. Me - 0.

I've always been a procrastinator - It's the reason why I was up at all hours of the night in high school trying to finish my chemistry homework hours before it was due. It's the reason why I never went to bed before 3am in college during the week. It's the reason why I cannot seem to get into work at an early hour. It's the reason why I'm late for everything. I always think I can fit just one more thing (and really, I never can). Procrastination is also the reason I take forever to get started on my workouts (not a good thing when you have other plans for later in the day). Let's take this morning, for example. My alarm went off at 5am for my hour-long workout. When did I actually get started? 6:20am. And what was I doing for that hour and twenty minutes? Nothing except laying in bed, saying "five more minutes," or "maybe I'll just do the workout this afternoon after work instead," or "I need more sleep, I'll just eat a quicker breakfast." Etc, etc, etc. Eventually, of course, I got my sorry self out of bed and out the door and enjoyed every minute of my workout. Just like I knew I would. Just an hour and twenty minutes later than I intended. So why was it so hard to get moving, even when I knew I'd be glad I got out there in the end?

This is just one small example out of MANY of how I waste alot of time. And I really don't have alot of time that I can afford to waste. Anyone have any tips on how to stop the vicious cycle of procrastination? I could use any and all advice.

21 February 2012

The Recovery Swim Set

This morning, like every Tuesday morning, was a swim morning. I didn't grow up a swimmer (unless you count dog paddling around your neighbor's pool with swimmies on a swim workout) and it used to be my least favorite leg of triathlon because I was so terrible at it. I'm still not great at swimming, but at least now I really enjoy it (mostly because I get to heckle my lanemates when they miss practice, kidding kidding!). I've got a long way to go in terms of figuring out proper body position, head position, arm position, elbow position, hip position, bellybutton position (okay, that is pushing it, but you get my point - I will never be a perfect swimmer, it is scientifically impossible). But you know what I think I finally mastered - the recovery swim set. No, I'm not talking about the full recovery swim workout - just the little set thrown in here and there to give some relief between those sets that get your blood pumping a little harder. When I first started showing up to swim practice, I would try to go as fast as I could on every. single. lap. Including the recovery sets (I am sure this drove my lanemates nuts). This would inevitably lead me to die a slow, painful death on the hard sets because I was so darn worn out from redlining it during the recovery sets. But not today. Today I relished in those 3x100 easy between those 750s that were anything but easy. Today I took my time. I took long strokes. I lackadaisically pushed off the wall (yes, I had to google the spelling of that word). I focused on form. I didn't want the recovery sets to end. They were heaven. More please!

19 February 2012

Workouts, Friends, and Food!

So I had a pretty decent weekend. It was one of those that started out with no plans or preconceived notions and turned into something unexpectedly great. Let's face it, any weekend that begins with cookies and beer for dinner is bound to be a winner.

The Workouts: Spring made an early appearance and it was impossible not to go biking outdoors in the sunny, mid-50s weather. I even forgot my biking gloves and was totally fine. Almost too warm in my jacket. Looks like I packed some of the heat from Burkina in my suitcase and brought it back to the States with me. Hill repeats were on tap so I headed over to Rosslyn to give the hill some love in the form of my bicycle. The ride finished with some loops at a moderate pace around Hains Point. So, question: has a roller blader ever tried to draft off you and your bike? No? Well, it's just as obnoxious as when a total stranger on the bike tries to draft off you. Maybe even more obnoxious because it also bruises your ego. I was starting my first loop and this random stranger with wheels attached to his feet is suddenly all up in my business. At first I figured I would just pedal harder and speed ahead of him but he was like a pesky fly that would not go away. He was so close to my back wheel he could've kissed it. Ew. I finally had to ask him, loudly, politely, and firmly to leave me the heck alone. And he did. Whew. I had a t-run after my ride. I considered taking the dog with me, but he'd already had one trip to the dog park and I wanted to focus on the run. I'm happy with how I felt during the bike and run, especially because the run went better than I thought. I was also pretty darn tired afterwards, but in a good way.
Today my dog had his longest run - 12:75 miles. We didn't name him Miles for nothing. We did our run while cheering on the runners at the GW Birthday Marathon in Greenbelt, MD. That course is great because it's three loops and mostly on quiet streets. Miles and I ran the course backwards and got to see my friends totally kill the race, it was pretty great. Normally I'm not big on spectating at races, I feel envious of the racers. But today was the best of both worlds - no pressure for racing but still a good workout. AND I got to see co-workers, friends, and triathlon club friends who were all doing the race.

The Friends: I feel so lucky to have so many great friends - you all truly enrich my life and I love every second I spend with you! This weekend was spent with a friend from high school, one of my neighbors, tri club friends, friends from work, friends from my old job, etc etc etc. Best weekend ever!

The Food: No baking frenzy in my kitchen this weekend (besides some oreo balls, which doesn't really count as baking since I didn't even turn on my oven), too busy being social. Friday night I had beer and cookies for dinner. Sometimes being an adult is pretty great when it comes to doing whatever the heck you want. I have peppermint bark in my fridge right now (thank you Georgia!) and I had a few bites for breakfast :). I have *two* bagels for breakfast yesterday (the good kind from Brueggers Bagels - there is nothing better in life than a good bagel). I devoured a huge slice of Brie cheese with a baguette. I made this soup that's completely vegetarian but, due to the red wine that's in it, it tastes hardy, like beef stew. But it's way healthier. And I was the dork walking around the dog park slurping up pasta from a tupperware container yesterday afternoon. I call this multi-tasking.

This coming week is looking good on all the aforementioned fronts. I'm excited for more swimbikerun, more time spent with friends, and of course, more food.

16 February 2012

Jet-lagged blogging at its finest

It's good to be home. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Tap water. My own bed. My dog and cats (though after spending an hour defending my food from Bissell as I tried to cook and enjoy my dinner, I had second thoughts about how nice it was to see him). I've already been to the pool twice within 18 hours of setting foot back in the States.

Dear Swimming: I've missed you. I loved you every moment of today, even when doing a 400 Zone 4 in the pool.

Tomorrow I get back on my bike - SO HAPPY! Granted, it will probably be on the trainer, but that's still loads better than a stationary bike with an uncomfortable seat.

I finished reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Most depressing book ever. I didn't know much about the book before I started it, just that it talked about the meat production industry (which sounds disgusting, btw, and it may have even turned me off from bacon for life). A family of immigrants from Lithuania moved to Chicago at the turn of the century to make a better life for themselves. Instead, they were forced into sweatshops, working long hours for little pay, no benefits, in dangerous jobs. And so the book went, getting more depressing by the page. It ends with a plug for socialism and its benefits. As I was finishing the book, capping it off with the last few chapters on socialism, I was sitting on my flight home in business class, sipping champagne. Ironic much?

And now... I sleep. Stupid jet lag.

12 February 2012

Burkina, Books, and Baseball

I sat outside by the pool today and got absolutely fried. But, I'd rather that than be in DC with snow! Now I have some pretty sweet tan lines in February (the one giant plus - NO bike shorts tan. I think this is the first time in years I don't have a bike shorts line. Now my legs are simply red from hip to toe). Towards the end of the afternoon I got bored and went for a walk around the city. I got a little lost (shhhhh, don't tell anyone) but found my way back to familiar ground relatively quickly. Sundays are really nice in Ouaga, MUCH less traffic and quiet streets because most people are home with their families. The sun was getting low in the sky, the weather was a little cooler, everyone was saying hello as they passed by each other, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face while I walked - it was a perfect afternoon stroll. I made my way over to my favorite collection of shops - it's this building and yard space that has been set aside for artists to create and sell their wares. I found a bronze figurine of one of the trees you find out in the countryside as well as a few paintings and some other small items. I like going to this particular place because they artists aren't pushy at all and are happy to show you their work and I don't feel pressure to buy anything. I've also gotten better at bargaining!

Tomorrow we are having dinner at this chicken place by the airport - we work with some consultants based at the local university and it has become tradition for them to take us out for "poulet." It's this dirt lot with a few tables and chairs, lots of scattered chicken bones, and these chicken coops and grills. You choose your chicken, they kill it, grill it, and there's about 10 minutes that elapse between when the chicken is running around alive in its coop and when it's in pieces on your plate. Truthfully, I'm slightly horrified/intrigued by the place and I pull the vegetarian card when we go there to eat. I just enjoy a soda instead. In the meantime, there are also people walking around selling the most random assortment of stuff - last time we went, one of the guys with us bought a generator while he enjoyed his chicken dinner. I'll be bringing granola bars with me to dinner tomorrow - I am simply not that adventurous when it comes to my food. My eating habits have provoked some gentle ribbing from our friends here and it has become a game amongst them to see what I will or will not eat.

I've gotten all of my scheduled workouts in this week. Some were shortened due to lack of time, but in the end, I managed to spend some quality time on the treadmill and the stationary bike. It's been a good exercise in heat acclimation too - NEVER have I been so sweaty from a 30 minute spin bike session. I need to hang my clothes up to dry off after a workout, it is disgusting. DISGUSTING.

I finished two more books - "The Devil in the White City: A Saga of Magic and Murder at the Fair That Changed America" by Erik Larson. Another REALLY great book by this author, it didn't disappoint. Chicago won the bid to host the Worlds Fair in 1893. Their goal was to top the previous Worlds Fair that was held in Paris, which had set the high water mark for sophistication and intrigue. The builders of the fair faced alot of obstacles (lots of worker deaths, storms, short timeline) but they put together a fair that surpassed the one held in Paris. The Ferris Wheel made its debut, America's answer to Eiffel's tower. Electricity was used to light up the fairgrounds, and lots of attention was paid to the architecture and landscaping. In the midst of the Worlds Fair, there was a psychopath who managed to murder a large, unknown number of women who were visiting Chicago. It was impressing and appalling how he managed to be so deceitful and basically lure these women to him, close enough for him to eventually kill them, and nobody suspected anything at all. FOR YEARS. Anyway, I have never visited Chicago, nor do I know much about the city, and even though the Worlds Fair was over a century ago, this book made me want to visit and see what is left.

The other book I finished was by Doris Kearns Goodwin, "Wait Till Next Year." Highly, HIGHLY recommend this book - very well-written, entertaining, and detailed. It's basically a memoir the author wrote about her childhood, growing up in a suburb of New York City in the 1950s and being a Dodgers baseball fan. Being a Red Sox fan (though a rather fair-weather one now that I'm no longer living in New England and don't fervently follow baseball), I felt a kinship with the author as she wrote about her beloved Dodgers and their attempts and failures to win the World Series until the mid-1950s. And when she wrote about the Dodgers finally winning the World Series, it was almost like reliving the 2004 Red Sox victory again in my mind. I was still following baseball pretty closely, having left New England only recently at that point, and I remember turning off Game 4 in the American League series against the Yankees in disappointment before the finish saying "maybe next year" and then not believing my ears when I heard on the radio the next morning that the Sox had come back to win it. And then they went on to win the remaining 3 games and headed for the World Series where they won it all in less dramatic fashion (because the only matchup that really matters is the one between the Sox and the Yankees). I floated on cloud 9 for days, bought every newspaper I could find to read the sport section, and had my mom send me the Boston papers so I could savor the victory from as close to the heart as possible. I still have those newspapers in somewhere in a closet at home. Though the Sox have won the World Series since 2004, I don't think there is any victory that will ever be quite as sweet. Anyway, the book was more than just about baseball, it was a window into an era and a time that seems so far away from present day. It was a story about growing up in a close-knit neighborhood where summer days were spent with all the neighborhood kids, darting in and out of each others' houses and playing outdoors, not using cell phones or video games or the internet. It just sounded like the best possible time ever to be a kid.

10 February 2012

Random Friday Facts - the travel edition

- I've been the cause of a missed flight once. NEVER AGAIN.

- Bumps in the air are OK but sudden drops are NOT, in my opinion.

- That can of Raid sitting in my hotel room, haven't had to use it yet.

- I've eaten alot of pasta and pizza and I'm still saving that apple.

- My hotel bathroom has a shower curtain. This may not seem like a novelty but believe me, in some countries, it is.

- Mr. Sweetie's goal this year - take a vacation with just me and NOT with my bike in tow.

- My Delta airline miles are the only ones I've been good about tracking and making sure I get the credit. I need to stop being lazy about my AA miles and Southwest miles.

- They speak about 69 different languages in Burkina Faso.

- I'm not good at packing light.

- I almost brought my yoga mat with me on this trip, but figured that was a bit excessive.

- I've never visited Australia, South America or Antarctica. Been to every other continent though.

- I'd never been west of the Mississippi until I was 23. And despite growing up in New Hampshire, I'd never been to Rhode Island until I was something like 27. And even then, it was only because I flew into the Providence airport.

- Judging from all the crowing late last night, the rooster outside my window has no concept of dawn.

- As much as I enjoy traveling, I enjoy returning home even more!

07 February 2012

Bonjour du Burkina!

Hello from Burkina!

Here's a map, just in case you are like me a year ago

when I had no idea where Burkina was located either...

The trip has been good so far, I'm enjoying the fact that it's simultaneously February AND tank top weather. Bigger bonus that it's not quite as hot this time around as it was last time I was here. In fact, it was even "chilly" yesterday thanks to the poussiere (dust storm) that blotted out the sun. And by "chilly" I mean it was comfortable and I wasn't sweating buckets wearing a short sleeve shirt and pants. The Burkinabe, on the other hand, were bundled up in coats and hats. I think it was in the low 80s.

There hasn't been as much exercise action as I'd hoped there'd be by this point. Sunday's workout was missed due to a delayed flight, late arrival time, and general weariness from being awake for almost 36 hours (sleep doesn't happen for me on planes). Monday the hotel couldn't find the key to unlock the gym. I didn't have time to argue and haggle with them, so I let it be and hoped the key would turn up by today. Tried again this afternoon, still no key. I threw a bit of a hissy fit (I kind of feel bad about it but I was desperate and I wasn't rude) and they put finding the key at the top of their priority list. Within 5 minutes, I had it in my hot little hands so I could keep my date with the treadmill. No AC, no fans, and close to 90 degrees, it was awesome. We'll see if they can find the key again for me tomorrow so I can get a bike ride in. I'm not really sure why they lock the gym - they have a guard standing right outside of the gym door (to make sure nobody walks off with a treadmill?) and, quite honestly given the fact that the key was missing for who knows how long and nobody complained, I'm pretty sure hardly anyone even uses the gym. Or knows where it is located (it took me a good 7 days to find it last time I was here).

I bought a cell phone yesterday from one of the guys selling phones in the streets. It is old school. Haven't actually tried to use it yet, but I like how small and simple it looks. I got back to my hotel room after my meetings today and there was a giant can of Raid sitting on my nightstand. I haven't actually seen any insects in my room, so it makes me a little curious what the cleaning staff seems to know about my room that I don't. I also stole an apple from the Air France lounge on Saturday and I'm saving it for that moment when I am desperate for some fresh fruit (they don't recommend eating the fruit here because of the water and I'm paranoid so I actually obey this rule and last time I was dreaming about fruit by the end of my trip). And my French is actually serving me pretty welll so far, it's definitely better than last time I was here (see: throwdown over gym key and the fact that I wasn't totally lost during my meetings). Oh, and an alarm clock isn't really necessary here - the rooster and goats next to my hotel room wake me up on time just fine.

I've finished two more books. One, My Name is Victoria Donda: The Extraordinary Story of One Woman's Struggle to Reclaim her True Identity (by - you guessed it - Victoria Donda) was a bit of a disappointment. It's a true story about an Argentinean woman who, when she was 27 years old, found out that the people she thought were her parents actually weren't and her true parents were actually desaparadicios and were killed by the military. It could've been a really interesting story, but the way she wrote was obnoxious and towards the end of the book, I just kept hoping each page I turned was the last one. She was very repetitive and extremely self-centered and self-important. I didn't learn as much as I would've liked about Argentina's turbulent history; instead, I learned more about the author's dating history and wardrobe choices than anything else.

The other book I just finished was Erik Larson's In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin. Like his other book that I read, this was very well-written, well-researched, and really offered a vivid picture of mid-1930s Germany as Nazism was on the rise. I didn't realize how much the U.S. tried to placate Germany and avoid confrontations. And how... friendly we were to the Nazis. Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.

01 February 2012

February? Now?

Don't ask me where January went, I have no idea.

Nothing exciting on the workout front except that I sat on my trainer this AM, watched reruns of Grey's Anatomy episodes from back in the day when it was a decent show, and tried (mostly failed) at getting my HR into the appropriate zones. I've done alot of griping on the blog about the new HR zones in the past month, this crankiness has to go away at some point, right? When these zones give me a new PR, I will shut up.

So I'm going back to Burkina Faso for work again soon. This time around I'm trying to retool my wardrobe a bit (I know, I am going to one of the poorest countries in the world and all I can think about is my wardrobe, I get it that I am a spoiled, Western girl and you better believe I understand how lucky I am that, as a girl, this is my biggest worry. Women in most places have it much worse). So it's going to be hot there (mid-90s) and AC isn't exactly prevalent. Normally at home 90 degree weather isn't much of a problem; I have a whole summer wardrobe of tank tops, shorts, and skirts to help me through it. But I figured out first-hand on my last trip that women aren't really supposed to be showing off their legs in Burkina. So skirts are out. So are spaghetti-strap tank tops. And thus, 9/10s of my summer wardrobe is ineligible. I think what it will come down to is this: LOTS of dri-fit shirts from triathlons. And sports bras. Paired with linen pants. I can't take all the classiness. At least I finally have an excuse to wear my dri-fit race polo shirt from 70.3 Galway.